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Críticas Susan Harrison, AMAZON.CO.UK REVIEW revealing a document about contemporary Britain as all 2,000 pages of the Scott Report - OBSERVER--The story of Leeson and his bride has it all: filthy lucre, brazen abuse of power, and boy-meets-girl romance - SUNDAY TIMES Simultaneously entertaining and appalling - FINANCIAL TIMES--'When Nick Leeson was arrested in 1995 for bringing Barings Bank to its proverbial knees, it initially seemed as if he had single handedly crushed this most well-established and well-respected financi Reseña del editor When Leeson was arrested in 1995 for bringing Barings Bank to its knees, it initially seemed as if he had single-handedly crushed the company. Indeed, it was he alone who found himself in the dark confines of a Singapore jail, from where he wrote Rogue Trader. Now updated for the twentieth anniversary of the collapse of Barings, this is his story of a broken system; of a cast of characters blind to anything but profits - whatever the cost. Leeson's tale of boom and bust is an important reminder of the immense power the banking system held and, worryingly, still holds. Biografía del autor Nick Leeson was born in Watford in 1967 and after a stint at Morgan Stanley joined Baring Brothers in 1989. His immediate success led to his transfer to Singapore. The rest is history. In August 1998 it was revealed that he has contracted cancer.

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